Sunday, June 20, 2010

Plaxo Linkedin Portfolio

The pros of these three methods of technology are that they allow you to get information out in a professional setting. With so many employers looking for technology backgrounds, you can set yourself ahead of other applicants by your use of these sites. You also control the information that goes on these sites. The portfolio to me, is the easiest to control because you do not have to worry about other people posting information on your profile. You can always go back and delete posts that you don't want on there, but that just creates more work for you.

The cons of course is that, depending on your settings, anyone can see your information and post things that could potentially harm your chances of getting or keeping your job. It call comes down to being smart and maybe overly cautious about what information you allow on your professional networking sites. It may be best to keep the party photos to the facebooks and twitters.

Peace, Love and Go Bonas!

Digital Portfolio

Here is the link to my digital portfolio. I enjoyed using this technology once I figured out how to create the different pages to show up along the left side. I had one an electronic portfolio while finishing my undergrad and while this was not as extensive, it was considerably easier in terms of creating the site.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Library Thing

I've never really been much of a reader. That being said, my favorite author is Mitch Albom. I read "Tuesdays With Morrie" in high school but never paid any attention to it until I read it again one summer while lifeguarding and realized how amazing a story it is. That made me want to get his next book, "The Five People You Meet In Heaven," which again was a fantastic read. As a basketball coach, I've thorougly enjoyed books by great coaches, specifically John Wooden and Pat Riley. I like how you can categorize your books and add them to your favorites in Librarything, but I'm not really sure what else you can do with it. I guess I haven't spent enough time playing around with it. I've been busy with grades at the end of the year and field day, but I will try to get more time on there to see what else I can use it for.

Anyway, here's the link to my library if you are interested!

Peace, Love and Go Bonas!

Image Generator

So I created my image generator using It was interesting and fun to use, but it was annoying that everytime I clicked on a link it opened up a new window and most of the time brought me to the same page I was just on, a little confusing. I decided to use the link to create just that, a fake magazine cover. I picked one of my pictures from the basketball league I played in during the fall of one of my favorite pictures and found a Basketball magazine cover to put it on. I think it came out pretty cool. I tweeted it and then it wouldn't let me blog it from the page so I had to save the picture and I will add it on here. Just like that!

Peace, Love and Go Bonas!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

volleyball bump and set.wmv

I have found that YouTube has a wealth of potential for student learning. This clip I found demonstrates the volleyball bump and set, 2 skills that I just finished teaching in my own classes. If students are having difficulty or are absent for a day, I can find a video and refer them to that so they can see some of the content and demonstrations that were taught in class. This can allow them to stay up to date if they are out, or give them pointers when they are at home as a review.

However, as many of us who have been on YouTube know, there is tons of videos that students should not be watching. It is a difficult task to try to monitor their usage especially if they are being asked to watch a clip on YouTube from a home computer. There is no way of making sure the students do not venture off to other videos after they watch what you have asked them to, but there definitely is a use for the clips as an educational tool.

Podcast Directoy

For my podcasting searches, I used and after some searching for "fitness" in their search box I found some that were ehhh, okay. Then, I came across one for BeachBody Revolution which I found very interesting since I have been using the P90X workouts for the past year. I decided to subscribe and found some exciting podcasts to listen to.

These have been useful in terms of my personal interests, but I am not sure how much I'd be able to use them in my teaching career. Again, part of this has to do with teaching on the elementary level but I can see how useful podcasts would be for teaching on the secondary or collegiate levels.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I was not impressed at all with Technorati. When typing in Kinesiology and other such references, all I came up with was "no results found." Does that mean there is nobody out here in web 2.0 land that has a blog about Kinesiology?? I find that hard to believe, especially when I am following at least 6 others. I don't know, I'm not sold on it but that might be because I couldn't find what I was supposed to look for. I guess maybe more to come as I play with it some more.

Peace, Love and Go Bonas!
Coach Christmas


So I went on to and found it to be pretty easy to use and neat in the concept of it. I don't know how much I would use it if I am on the same computer all the time. However, I definitely see its usefulness in terms of being able to tag your favorite websites and find them no matter where you are. I like that I can tag all the different emails I use by mail and get them all in one place, or link all the sites I pay my bills on to do the same thing. I do think that it could be helpful in the classroom if you are extremely careful with what you are tagging and what else will come up when searching for those tags. Overall, I think I am convinced on this one.

Peace, Love and Go Bonas!
Coach Christmas


rising freshmen
Originally uploaded by pm_noel
Down by 11 at the half, force Overtime and then win by 6 to beat the only team that beat us during the regular season and win the Championship!! Go Stallions!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where Amazing Happens St. Bonaventure University

Here's my YouTube video....

Peace, Love and Go Bonas!

Coach Christmas